Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 39

volume Number : 11
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 39

volume Number 11، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 39

The application of interlaced terms in the stylistic of mysticism texts (with the emphasis on mystical attraction in khatmololya_e Termazi)

Ebrahim Rahimi zangane(Author in Charge),Elyas Noraee, Naghi Hashemi

The application of semantic field in mystical text stylistics is a field that no research is done about. This paper explains the application of semantic field of "Attraction" in hakim Termazi’s Katm al-owlya stylistics. At first the description of semantic field, the explanation of their main relations ( synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy) the definition of "Attraction" and the history of semantic field in mystical texts are surveyed. Then the applied forms of semantic field of attraction and its allieds are indicated in khatm al-owlya. After that the semantic field of "Attraction" based on synonymy is studied and the styles and the forms applied by Termazi and their common points with "Attraction" are explaind. This lingual study illustrates some part of Termazi’s organized coherent and effective mind and language. It can be used in the other mysticism text, their personal and periodical style check, their effectivness, composing mystical dictionaries, affirmating or rejecting a work alleged to a author, and at last in recognizing creativness or imitation of writers in the field of mystical expressions

Semantic field , Attraction , Stylistic and Termazi’s Katm

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